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Friday, April 29, 2005

i've returned with one unhappy kitty

i just got back from taking julius to the vet. they think he may have a virul infection, so he got a shot today, he'll get one tomorrow and they want to check him again monday. if he's not better by then (i.e. he can breathe, doesn't sneeze and has a voice again) they said they'll have to try something else.

julius didn't take to the vet's office too well. when the nurse pulled him out to take his temperature, he gave me a look as if to say, you didn't say we were coming HERE. he ran back into his cat carrier (usually i have to push him in it) after his temp was taken (really can't blame him for this one) and was straining to see out the window through the holes in the side. i tried to pull him out so he could actually look out the window, but he firmly planted his four legs against the sides. he wasn't going anywhere.

when the doctor came in, julius ran under my chair and eyed the door, trying to quickly concoct his escape plan, so the doctor calls him "the cat who wants to travel to atlanta." oh my poor boy...thermometer, claws clipped and a shot. no wonder he's so mad at me now.

i hate pettiness

i am PISSED OFF. last night the koror tribe voted stephenie off survivor. she only outwitted, outplayed and outlasted eight other people to be the last woman standing from the ulong tribe. she actually worked, unlike others like, hmmm, jenn. i think tom had a good point last night when he told the tribe that no one who is strong and smart and, in my opinion, is a true survivor has ever won the game. seriously. that pisses me off. then you have people like amber and jenna who win...but i digress. i apologize to anyone who was a fan of amber and jenna. i'm just whining. it's my blog and i can whine if i want to!! :)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

friday's feast

which keys do you have on your key chain?
house key, joe's house key, mailbox key

what is the most spontaneous thing you've ever done?
surprised joe by going to visit him

who is the best cook in your family?
me! no, my mom is

main course
if you were to write a "how-to" book, what would the title be?
how to write a news story...ok, so that wouldn't take up a whole book :)

name a recent fad you've tried.

i love the 80s

oh my gosh i LOVED this thing when i was a kid!

You're a Spirograph!! You're pretty tripped out,
even though you've been known to be a bit
boring at times. You manage to serve your
purpose in life while expending hardly any
effort (and are probably stoned to the gills
all the while).

What childhood toy from the 80s are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

name my site

i'm not really sure if i'm liking this new name too much, but i'm not the most creative person. so, after getting some suggestions from people, i've created a poll so you can vote and tell me what i should name my site! woo. sound exciting?! yeah, didn't think so. :)

my brother's trip

my brother, ryan, is accompanying this guy he works for to st. paul today for a weekend business trip.

ryan: i have to drive 15 hours tonight
me: why?
ryan: st. paul
me: i thought you were flying
ryan: too

sucks for him to have to drive all that way, but he says he's heard st. paul's a cool city, so he's excited.

thursday threesome

onesome: sex...when did you learn about sex? was it through those films at school? word of mouth? your parents?
it was through one of those lovely sex ed courses in school.

twosome: ...lies-- you believe little white lies are all around us? or do you prefer only the truth even if it hurts someone's feelings??
boy, that's a hard question. i hate lying but i also hate hurting peoples' feelings. i think i'd rather tell someone the truth than lie to them though. i think they'd appreciate it more in the long run and have more respect for you.

threesome: dvd and videotape-- you buy movies on video and/or dvd? or do you prefer to rent? what kind of movies do you add to your collection?
i like to buy dvds when i can, but lately we've been renting them. i prefer girly movies, but i also like comedies and suspense movies.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

wednesday whatevers

1. why are the lines for women's restrooms longer than men's?
because men won't use public restrooms.
2. how many sites do you visit daily?
oh gosh. it may take me a while to count...more than 20...
3. do you prefer paper or plastic?
definitely plastic. it's so handy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

darn cat

i was about to take the cutest picture of julius all sprawled out on his back on my bed with his little legs up in the air, but alas, he heard the camera and woke up and ruined it. sigh. so no cute kitty picture of him to share right now. but you know, he sounds really congested when he breathes through his nose. he's been like this for a while and i don't know if it's allergies or if i should be worried about it. any thoughts?

Monday, April 25, 2005

tash's interview

1. how did you get into blogging?
my friend had a blog and as i read hers i got into the whole blogging thing.
2. where is your favourite place on earth?
baltimore, maryland. it's where i was born and, in my opinion, the coolest city in the world.
3. name one famous person (dead or alive) you'd like to meet and explain why!
bill clinton; even though he had an affair i still think he is one of the best presidents we've ever had.
4. what is the most rebellious thing you've ever done? The most trouble you've ever gotten into?
you all probably won't believe me, but i can't think of anything rebellious i've done. hehe. maybe dated someone just because my parents hated them. that's about it. i suck.
5. where do you see yourself in 5 years time (does it involve joe and a big white dress, lol?!)?
hell yeah it better involve joe and a big white dress! hehe (no pressure baby ;)) hopefully married to joe and raising a family.

well now i guess it's my turn. if anyone wants me to interview them, leave me a comment and let me know!

monday madness

1. what season are you in right now? spring
2. do you celebrate anything special this time of year? mother's day, parents' anniversary, passover with joe
3. name 3 things that come to mind when you think of spring (or your current season)? warm weather, blossoming trees, kids outside playing
4. in the current season, about how many hours of the day are daylight hours? ummm..13 i think
5. do you do any 'spring cleaning?' nah, just my usually weekly house cleaning
6. do you wash your own car or take it to the car wash? car wash at the detail place
7. do you hang your laundry out on a clothesline on nice days? nope. i love my dryer.

losing weight, week 2

week 1 starting weight: 158
week 2 weight: 155
i'm down three pounds!! it looks like busting my butt is paying off!!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


i can't make decisions. it sounds silly, but it's true. i have this intense fear of making decisions. i don't know if i had some experience in the past where i made a decision and for some reason it was the wrong one and made someone mad....i don't know where it comes from, but i simply cannot make decisions now. i'm petrified of making a wrong one and making joe, or anyone else for that matter, mad.

it all came to a head last night. joe and i went to this nice italian restaurant here in town. everything was great until he asked the fateful question: do you want dessert. i kind of did, but i'm not one to speak my opinion first. so i asked him what he wanted. he said he didn't really feel like dessert, so at that point there's no way i would say that i did. that would be a "wrong" decision.

when our waitress came by, joe asked me again and i got really flushed and embarrassed and said, "whatever you want." then i got mad at him for trying to embarrass me because he knows i can't make decisions. and the fact is i know he would never, ever try to embarrass me. the point to this long and rambling story is i need to learn to make decisions. joe says to just start making them, but that's easier said than done. i wonder if there's any kind of baby-step thing for this type of problem.

aj the thief

yes, aj has a new name. this morning when i woke up i saw my new capris slowly sliding out the door. aj, who had the strings in his mouth, was pulling them out of the room. then, when i got up to go feed the rascals i found my cell phone, charger attached, in the hallway. i'm scared to see what he tries to take next.

Friday, April 22, 2005

finally i win

after three years in the news business, i can finally say i'm an award-winning journalist. yep. i won third place in breaking news in the georgia associated press contest. w00p. sure third place doesn't sound like much, but it's a great feat, at least in my opinion. and i've been waiting three years for SOMETHING. now hopefully i'll take first in the georgia press association contest next month. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2005

friday's feast

name something that helps you fall asleep.
watching tv in bed with the lights off

who brings out the best in you?

what do you like to do on a rainy day?
curl up on the couch and read

main course
complete this sentence: In our home, we never have enough...
quiet! with two cats running around here it's always noisy!

which shoe do you put on first?

thought i'd be more yankee than dixie

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

20% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

5% Yankee

0% Midwestern

should've been an expert

since i was an english major in college i'm slightly disappointed.

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Link: The Commonly Confused Words Test written by shortredhead78 on Ok Cupid

thursday threesome

onesome: domain--hypothetically, if you could own any domain name you wanted, what would it be and why?; i'm completely unoriginal :)

twosome: name-- Are you called by something other than your legal name? if not, have you ever had a nickname? or done something weird with your name, to try and stand out? like an odd spelling or a slightly different pronunciation? or just flat out wanted to change your name? to what? my legal name is cadence, but everyone calls me cady. i've never wanted to change my name. i like its uniqueness.

threesome: renewal--do you have any magazine or other subscription that is an absolute 'must renew' whenever you get the notice? writer's digest. enough said.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

aj the traveler

my aj is becoming quite the traveler. he's decided he likes being an outdoor kitty. this epiphany came after his last jaunt into the great outdoors. he likes rolling in the dirt, chasing rocks and birds, and romping through the bushes in the back. sounds like anyone's ideal day, huh? but after a hard day of playing it up yesterday, he was tuckered out. nothing could wake up my little guy.

my favorite pasttime

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Are You a Shopaholic? Take This Quiz :-)

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(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

why i love my boyfriend

i saw this on several blogs, and i thought it was a really sweet thing to do, so i thought i'd try. i learned a lot about my boyfriend thinking of why i love him. it makes me love him even more.

  • he loves me for me
  • when i think i'm fat, he says i'm sexy
  • he'll do anything for me
  • including watching girly movie after girly movie
  • he loves his cat
  • he loves my cats
  • which he shows every time he lies down on the kitchen floor to pull aj's mice out from under the fridge
  • he went with me to visit my grandmother when she was in the hospital
  • he loves kids
  • and is so good with them
  • he'll make a great dad
  • he goes out late at night to buy me medicine when i'm sick
  • he tells his kiwanis club about our dates as his happy dollars most weeks
  • he sends me emails just to say he loves me and misses me
  • he leaves messages on my answering machine for the same reason
  • he drives an hour to my house to take care of me when i'm sick
  • he has a great relationship with his family
  • and is close to them
  • he is supportive of my career
  • and tells me i'm a good writer
  • and means it
  • but gives me constructive criticism when he knows it'll improve my stories
  • he makes me smile and laugh when i'm feeling down
  • he opens my car doors
  • he holds my hand in public
  • and puts his arm around me when we're eating with our families
  • he holds me when i cry
  • and when we sleep at night
  • he gets up several times a night to turn the air conditioning on and off and on and off for me
  • he's not with me just for the physical aspect
  • and he'd still be with me if there was no physicalness
  • he calls me just to tell me he loves me
  • when i fall asleep while we're watching tv he kisses me on the cheeks and eyes
  • and holds me even though it makes his arms fall asleep
  • he watches survivor and the apprentice with me
  • even though he despises those shows
  • because he knows i like them
  • and he wants to make me happy
  • back to the 80s

    so joe and i are at wally world last weekend browsing in the cd department when we see this 3-cd set of 80s hits for $10. it includes songs like "morning train," "total eclipse of the heart," "99 red balloons," etc, a great deal for $10 we thought. so joe bought it and we popped it in the cd player. we played "99 red balloons" first and joe thought it sounded a little off. i looked at the cd box and realized it was a studio group performing the songs, not the original artists. joe was so upset he gave me the cds. hehe. i guess that's what you get for 3 cds for $10.

    Monday, April 18, 2005

    back to the grind

    i hate it when the weekend ends. this past weekend was wonderful. joe came up saturday and we went to my grandparents' for my grandpa's birthday lunch. we spent the afternoon at the park throwing the frisbee around and relaxing before going to see sahara with my parents. yesterday we ended up spending most of the day at his parents' house. we went so he could mow their yard and he ended up getting his car fixed, so we hung out there till 5. his mom and i went shopping at the mall while joe and his dad worked (fun times!). it was nice. when we got back to cartersville we went out to dinner with another couple and then rented a movie, which we never did end up watching. hehe. ahhh....weekends are always so great. :)